Album Covers Helloooo!?! Don't these all look so good together? They all seem influenced by old friend Barney Bubbles — especially the Boomtown Rats one. I can't find any evidence that it (or the Squeeze one) was.The Boomtown Rats, I Don't Like Mondays, Ensign UK 7", 1979. Front cover above, back cover below.Split Enz, I Got You/Double Happy, A&M US 7", 1979/80. Front cover above, back cover below. I will have to do an entire post about Noel Crombie, who was behind the presentation of Split Enz. Also, reading up on them a bit, I am finding that they're really quite a fascinating band. I have their "Greatest Hits" or whatever, but I don't know much beyond that.Squeeze, If I Didn't Love You, A&M US and Canada 5", 1980. Front cover above, back cover below. 5-inch is not a mistake, it's the "Tiny Collector's Edition".