Want. Want. Want.Yes, I suppose this is crying out for a Unhappy Hipsters caption, but I don't care. I totally covet this apartment and I'm not ashamed to say so.Like what is going on in this picture? Is something reflected? Are there two rooms with bookcases stuffed with interesting stuff? I guess so, since the floors are different. Mmmm, the floors...Another nice floor in the kitchen. One wall seems to be wallpapered, although the wallpaper does not show up in any other pictures, unfortunately.The tile floor makes this kitchen seem like a sophisticated little cafe. Or maybe it's the two tables for two (a little weird, right? Maybe the German explains).And then there's a note of the bizarre with this JUMBO-SIZED Eames Hang-It-All. I had to stare at this photo for a long time before I realized what I was seeing.Even the floor in the entranceway is cool.
from Freunde von Freunden. Why did no one tell me there was a German version of The Selby?!? I have been out of the loop.