Lovely birthday celebrations this weekend..amazing presents!!..including the Calourette swing necklace I posted a while back, an amazing book of artist Nick Caves work..(i'll post some photos in a sec)...the list goes on..Mr Von scored so many brownie points!
This post is dedicated however to the lengths some of my friends went to on the cake front....
Cake number 1 was a replica of an amazing humpty cake found on flickr from a vintage recipe book that I attached in my email invite...and cake number 2 was..well..the Regents canal featuring dead squirrels and a rather scary voodoo looking portrait of my good self. Alas, no dregged up shopping trolly.. (apparently the Early Learning Centre don't sell miniture ones)..perhaps the squirrels spilling their gutts was enough..the cake was truly delicious...despite the diseased canal inspiration.
Thank you friends! for showing up and bringing me strange gifts and smiles...I'm very lucky indeed.