The small stuffI live in a small space, and I'm always intrigued by how other people deal with them. Those Chinese-box apartments where everything folds up and around always strike me a kind of exhausting (even though they are frequently very clever), so it's nice to see a small space that feels open. You'd look at the photo above and think "graphic punch" before you see "small space solution." And even then, the only real giveaway is that petite sofa.The architect who lives in this 550-square-foot space is clearly a book lover. And I can certainly relate to that. But I really like how the books are kept low (in these great looking bookcases!), so the space remains so white and airy!The books move up high in the kitchen...and over the door to the bedroom, which — in classic small apartment style — is a tiny little ship's cabin.
Great apartment.
from the New York Times. Photos from Floto + Warner